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Info on "We can" project




We CAN! Cyberbullying Action Network for Parents` Education (CAN)
Poland, Lithuanian, Greek, Italy

Grundtvig, Partnership, Lifelong Learning Programme (2010-2012)
Coordinator – The National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine.

Our organisations are actively involved in some activities of  studying and  preventing cyberbullying in schools and other educational  settings (for example, ESF COST programme's Action IS0801), helping and  educating parents to deal with cyberbullying, to help their children and  pupils to be safe in cyberspace. These adult learners - parents with  low competence according to cyberbullying - is target groups of our  educational activities. As theresults of some studies of our  organisations show, many children and adolescents in schools and other  educational settings are involved in cyberbullying as a victim or a  perpetrator. In many cases parents, who are more close to them, can not  deal with cyberbullying and can not help their children and pupils due  to their own low competence in this topic. Taking in to account these  findings we  want to educate them how to deal with cyberbullying  situations, how to prevent it and safe children and adolescents, using  all our experience in this area and sharing it between the participants  of our partnership.

General aims:

increasing parents`ability to prevent and deal with cyberbullyingu as well as developing skills to teach children safe Internet usage
encouraging adults to make use of modern communication technologies
developing a database of research and examples of good practices that will increase the competence of parents in regard to cyberbullying
developing cooperation and exchange of experiences among practitioners, researchers and parents in dealing with cases of cyberbullying.

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